
The HI-Q India has partnered with Novaris for providing surge protection solutions for various industries.

Novaris was first established in 1993 in Kingston, Tasmania. The company’s products instantly filled a demand by providing high quality surge protection products designed to withstand some of the highest lightning environments. This ideology continues to be the core of Novaris' design philosophy today.

In 2003 Novaris Technologies, Malaysia was established to expand manufacturing capability as product sales grew globally. As part of this expansion it was essential to globally establish ISO9001 compliance for all Novaris research and production sites. The compliance ensures that all Novaris products manufactured worldwide maintain our exacting quality standards.

Novaris continues to be active in research and development in the fields of surge protection techniques and application. The Novaris high voltage test lab gives it the necessary resources to confidently develop and test new designs. One of the founders and Directors of Novaris, Phillip Tompson, is a member of the Australian Standards EL-024 Protection against Lightning committee and represents Australia on the IEC TC81 and SC37A Lightning and surge protection committees.

Novaris products have proven capability in the protection of electrical disturbances and our innovative team of R&D engineers are able to design surge protection solutions for the most demanding applications. 

Novaris’ products are produced in accordance with the latest world standards and as such are regularly used by many companies and individuals to protect their systems from potentially severe electrical disturbances. Applications include railway signalling, SCADA, power systems, process control, data networks, CCTV, security and communications systems.

Novaris is also able to offer an analysis and design of new or existing surge and lightning protection systems.
